Yapily Hosted Pages UI screens

Pay By Link is available as a Private Beta version. Please contact your Customer Success Manager if you would like to access it.

UI screens

Pay By Link includes 1 additional UI screen. All remaining UI screens when the user has selected to ‘pay by bank’ are the same as for Hosted Pages.

Landing page

Displays a summary of the payment details and allows the user to 'Pay by Bank'.

Pay By Link landing screen

The following payment details are displayed to the user when they are provided when generating the payment request link:

  • Customer name
  • Collection amount
  • Payment due date (optional)
  • Payment Reference

The following details can also be displayed to the user for all payments, depending on your UI customisation:

  • Customer support details and opening hours
  • Terms & Conditions

UI customisation

See Hosted Pages UI customisation for the available options.