Get started

Follow this guide to get started testing Yapily in a sandbox environment against Mock Bank data.

1. Create a Yapily Console account

Create a free Yapily Console account here.

If you already have an account, log in.

2. Create an Application

In the Console, create an Application:

  1. Go to Applications and click Create Application
  2. Choose a name for your application and click Create application
  3. Click Download Application ID & Application Secret to download the json file containing the Application ID ( applicationUuid ) and Application Secret ( secret )

Ensure you save the Application ID and Application Secret somewhere safe and secure as you need these values to authenticate when accessing Yapily's API. You can't retrieve your Application Secret again, so if you lose it you will need to revoke the secret and create a new one. Revoking the secret will invalidate any requests that are using the old secret.

3. Configure sandbox

To test your application you need to configure sandbox in the Console. This allows you perform API requests against a Mock Bank.

We recommend using the preconfigured sandbox Modelo Sandbox, which is provided by the Open Banking regulators and is actively maintained.

  1. Go to Applications and select your application
  2. Select the Connected Institutions tab and click Add Institutions
  3. Search for modelo-sandbox and select the tick box. Once selected, click Add selected
  4. Click Register , and select Yes, Preconfigured Credentials to register modelo-sandbox for your application using Yapily's preconfigured credentials for this institution

Modelo Sandbox will then appear under registered institutions in your application.

You can now use Modelo Sandbox to test your application.

4. Make an API request

You can test Yapily's API using an API testing tool, such as Postman, or using cURL.


Yapily provides an Open API Spec which you can use to test your integration in Postman.

  1. Download Yapily's Open API Spec
  2. Open Postman, click Import and upload the Yapily Open API spec file. Select Test Suite from the Link this collection as dropdown, then click Import
  3. Go to Collections , and select Yapily API
  4. Go to the Authorization tab, and select Basic Auth from the Type dropdown
  5. Enter your Application ID and Application Secret (provided when you created an application ) against the Username and Password respectively and click Save
  6. Select an API request, for example Get Institutions , and click Send . This will submit an API request, and return a response.

You can now test all of Yapily's API endpoints. For more information on the endpoints please see our API reference.


  • Execute a cURL command by directly including the Application ID and Application Secret. For example:
    curl -u id:secret ''

  • Generate an authToken using the Application ID and Application Secret to authenticate your requests to your application. Then execute a cURL command using the authToken . For example:
    curl -X GET '' 

You can now test all of Yapily's API endpoints. For more information on the endpoints please see our API reference.


To use real banking data, please submit our Contact Form and we'll contact you, or try out our demo app.