Yapily Data Plus

Gain more insights with additional data enrichment.

Yapily Data Plus is available as a Beta version.


Yapily Data Plus provides additional data enrichment to supplement the standardised data returned by Yapily Data. It enables you to extract more value from your data to build a comprehensive view of your customer's financial profile, behaviour and habits.

You can easily embedded Yapily Data Plus into your existing Yapily Data integration to benefit from the advanced insights.


Yapily Data Plus is an add-on to Yapily Data.

Advanced insights

There are 1 advanced insights available with Yapily Data Plus.


Faster decision making and analysis with automatic data sorting.

Returns a detailed summary for each individual transaction. Information includes the category, merchant, recurrance and payment processor where applicable.

See more details.


Insight Availability Scope Business Accounts
Categorisation Beta UK and EU No

Get started

See our Categorisation tutorial