Test cases

We have grouped the recommended sandboxes for testing specific scenarios and authorisation flows.

Single redirect

Below, you will discover the suggested sandboxes tailored for executing single redirect authorisation flow

United Kingdom

UK banks do not require the providing payer details; therefore, only the following properties are required:

    "applicationUserId": "single-payment-tutorial",
    "institutionId": "modelo-sandbox",
    "callback": "https://display-parameters.com/",
    "paymentRequest": {
      "type": "DOMESTIC_PAYMENT",
      "reference": "Bills Coffee Shop", //maximum of 18 characters
      "paymentIdempotencyId": "c0ab9b09c20c4ec7a77e", //maximum of 35 characters
      "amount": {
        "amount": 8.70,
        "currency": "GBP"
      "payee": {
        "name": "BILLS COFFEE LTD",
        "accountIdentifications": [
            "type": "ACCOUNT_NUMBER",
            "identification": "{accountNumber}"
            "type": "SORT_CODE",
            "identification": "{sortCode}"

Natwest Sandbox

Institution ID: natwest-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Periodic payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Transactions

Natwest Sandbox login credentials

Modelo Sandbox

Modelo Sandbox follows the OBIE OAS (OpenAPI Specification).

Institution ID: modelo-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Scheduled payments
    • Periodic payments
    • Bulk payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Identity
    • Transactions

Modelo Sandbox login credentials

Note: AIS Consents expire after 10 minutes


Institution IDs:

  • mock-sandbox
  • mock-sandbox-v1

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Scheduled payments
    • Periodic payments
    • Bulk payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Transactions

Mock ASPSP login credentials

Lloyds Banking Group Sandboxes

Institution IDs:

  • lloyds-sandbox
  • halifax-sandbox
  • bankofscotland-sandbox
  • mbna-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Scheduled payments
    • Periodic payments
    • readRefund supported
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Transactions

Lloyds Banking Group Sandboxes credentials

European (without payer)

Institutions outside the UK usually require to provide payer details, however it is not currently required in the following EU countries:

  • France
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Ireland

The API request in these countries require the following properties:

    "applicationUserId": "single-payment-tutorial",
    "institutionId": "unicajabanco-sandbox",
    "callback": "https://display-parameters.com/",
    "paymentRequest": {
      "type": "DOMESTIC_PAYMENT",
      "reference": "Bill Payment", //maximum of 140 characters
      "paymentIdempotencyId": "c0ab9b09c20c4ec7a77e", //maximum of 35 characters
      "amount": {
        "amount": 5,
        "currency": "EUR"
      "payee": {
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "address": {
          "country": "ES",
          "postCode": "48310",
          "townName": "Elantxobe",
          "addressLines": ["Avenida Cervantes 5"]
        "accountIdentifications": [
            "type": "IBAN",
            "identification": "ES2621030001350000000001"

Unicaja Banco Sandbox

Institution ID: unicajabanco-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Scheduled payments
    • Periodic payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Transactions

Unicaja Banco Sandbox credentials

SNS Bank Sandbox

Institution ID: snsbank-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Scheduled payments
    • Periodic payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Transactions

SNS Bank Sandbox credentials

Modelo Sandbox

Institution ID: modelo-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Scheduled payments
    • Periodic payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Identity
    • Transactions

Modelo Sandbox credentials

Note: AIS Consents expire after 10 minutes

European (with payer)

Initiating payments outside of UK, France, Spain, Portugal and Ireland requires specifying payer details, therefore the request should include payer name and their IBAN.

Additionally, some of the institutions require PSU Identifier that has to be obtained from the customer:

curl -L -X POST 'https://api.yapily.com/payment-auth-requests' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'psu-id: 6154033403' \
  -d '{
    "applicationUserId": "single-payment-tutorial",
    "institutionId": "deutschebank-sandbox",
    "callback": "https://display-parameters.com/",
    "paymentRequest": {
      "type": "DOMESTIC_PAYMENT",
      "reference": "Bill Payment", //maximum of 140 characters
      "paymentIdempotencyId": "c0ab9b09c20c4ec7a77e", //maximum of 35 characters
      "amount": {
        "amount": 5,
        "currency": "EUR"
      "payee": {
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "address": {
          "country": "DE",
          "postCode": "83458",
          "townName": "Schneizlreuth",
          "addressLines": ["Langenhorner Chaussee 27"]
        "accountIdentifications": [
            "type": "IBAN",
            "identification": "DE25648730420109480400"
      "payer": {
            "name": "John Doe",
            "accountIdentifications": [
                    "type": "IBAN",
                    "identification": "DE17215730140403340300"

Deutsche Bank Sandbox

Institution ID: deutschebank-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Periodic payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Transactions

Note: Payments above 50 EUR will fail.

Deutsche Bank Sandbox credentials

Postbank Bank Sandbox

Institution ID: postbank-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Periodic payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Transactions

Note: Payments above 50 EUR will fail.

Postbank Bank Sandbox credentials

Fineco Sandbox

  • Institution ID: fineco-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Periodic payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Transactions

Note: Sandbox returns static responses

Fineco Sandbox credentials

BAWAG PSK / Easybank Sandbox

Institution ID: bawag-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Scheduled payments
    • Periodic payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • Transactions

Note: AIS endpoints limited to 4 calls a day

BAWAG PSK Sandbox credentials

Swedbank Sandbox (DK)

Institution ID: swedbank-sandbox_dk

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Scheduled payments
    • Periodic payments
    • International payments
  • Data: not available

Swedbank Sandbox credentials

Commerzbank AG Sandbox

Institution ID: commerzbank-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Periodic payments
  • Data: Transactions not available

Commerzbank Sandbox credentials

Embedded authorisation

Below, you will discover the suggested sandboxes tailored for executing embedded authorisation authorisation flow.

The initial embedded request should include the following properties:

    "applicationUserId": "single-payment-tutorial",
    "institutionId": "fiducia-sandbox",
    "userCredentials": {
      "id": "VRK1234567890ALL", //online banking username/id
      "password": "password" //online banking password
    "paymentRequest": {
      "type": "DOMESTIC_PAYMENT",
      "reference": "Bill Payment", //maximum of 140 characters
      "paymentIdempotencyId": "c0ab9b09c20c4ec7a77e", //maximum of 35 characters
      "amount": {
        "amount": 5,
        "currency": "EUR"
      "payee": {
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "address": {
          "country": "DE",
          "postCode": "83458",
          "townName": "Schneizlreuth",
          "addressLines": ["Langenhorner Chaussee 27"]
        "accountIdentifications": [
            "type": "IBAN",
            "identification": "DE58648730420109499400"
      "payer": {
            "name": "John Doe",
            "accountIdentifications": [
                    "type": "IBAN",
                    "identification": "DE39499999600000005111"

After that, the userCredentials object should be replaced with either scaCode or selectedScaMethod.id property depending on the returned consent status:

  • AWAITING_SCA_CODE - provide scaCode when executing PUT method
  • AWAITING_SCA_METHOD - provide selectedScaMethod.id when executing PUT . The options will be returned via the API
  • AWAITING_DECOUPLED_AUTHORIZATION - poll GET /consents/{consent-id} endpoint until the status changes.

Oberbank Sandbox

Institution ID: oberbank-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
    • Scheduled payments
    • Periodic payments
  • Data:
    • Accounts
    • transactions

Oberbank Sandbox credentials

Fiducia Sandbox

Institution ID: fiducia-sandbox

Supported Features:

  • Payments:
    • Single payment
  • Data: only authorisation flow - data endpoints are not available

Fiducia Sandbox credentials


Accounts and Transactions


Consents created using Created Embedded Account Authorisation or Update Embedded Account Authorisation with the Fiducia sandbox will not be able to access any of the Financial Data Endpoints due to a restriction with the sandbox.

Fiducia Sandbox returns ACCP as the final payment status. As a result, this is mapped to COMPLETED in the Yapily API response for Fiducia Sandbox.

This is different from the Live institution.

For more information about this sandbox, see the FGI Documentation.