PSU Identifiers

As part of the SCA process in authorising any request for user's financial data or to initiate a payment on their behalf, some institutions require extra information in the form of PSU values in order to successfully authorise the request.

The endpoints which may require these identifiers are all of the Authorisations endpoints.

For each of these requests, the values psu-id, psu-corporate-id and psu-ip-address will be required in the following cases for the following institutions:


Alpenbank Mandatory - -
Cassa Centrale Raiffeisen Dell Alto Adige Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Alta Pusteria Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Alta Venosta Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Bassa Atesina Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Bassa Vall Isarco Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Bassa Venosta Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Campo Di Trens Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Castelrotto-Ortisei Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Della Val Passiria Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Della Valle Isarco Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Brunico Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Dobbiaco Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Funes Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Lagundo Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Lasa Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Marlengo Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Merano Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Nova Ponente Aldino Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Parcines Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Scena Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Tesimo Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Di Villabassa Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Etschtal Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Gherdeina Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Laces Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Lana Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Monguelfo-Casiestesido Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Oltradige Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Prato-Tubre Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Schlern-Rosengarten Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Silandro Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Tirolo Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Tures-Aurina Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Ultimo S.Pancrazio-Lauregno Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Val Badia Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Val Sarentino Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Vandoies Mandatory - -
Cassa Raiffeisen Wipptal Mandatory - -
Cassa Rurale Di Bolzano Mandatory - -
Cassa Rurale Di Salorno Mandatory - -
Deutsche Bank Mandatory - -
DNB Mandatory - -
Handelsbanken Business UK - Mandatory -
Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A - - Mandatory
Noris Bank Mandatory - -
Postbank Mandatory - -
Raiffeisen Bank Croatia Mandatory - -
Raiffeisen Landesbank / Casa Centrale Raiffeisen dell Alto Adige Mandatory - -
SMBC Mandatory - -
Solaris - - Mandatory

Otherwise, for all other institutions, you will not be required to specify any of these PSU values.


In order to accommodate for the listed institutions that require psu values, you will need to build your front-end applications to accept these extra fields from your customers before executing any of the authorisation requests.


The PSU-ID and the PSU-CORPORATE-ID serve the same purpose, the PSU-ID is used for personal accounts and the PSU-CORPORATE-ID is used for business and corporate accounts.
The banks might use different format in creating these identifiers, below is a list of them per each bank/group.

Italian Raiffeisen institutions

These being Alpenbank plus all of the Cassa Centrale and Cassa Raiffeisen institutions listed above.

Client ID of the PSU in the ASPSP's (bank) client interface. The user should be familiar with this ID and should follow a similar format to the following: 5D1XXXXF5. A valid PSU-ID must be entered.


PSU-ID for retail users is their Social security number (SSN), while for corporate users it is their TX-ident. TX-ident is the DNB specific ID for corporate users, which consists of a total of 7 characters, where the first 2 are letters and the remaining 5 are digits. The TX-ident is provided by DNB to the corporate user when becoming a corporate client.

Raiffeisen Bank Croatia

You will need to request a National Personal Identification Number (OIB), that is a permanent national identification of every Croatian citizen and legal persons domiciled in the Republic of Croatia.

Deutsche bank and Noris bank

The Deutsche bank and the Noris bank are composing the PSU-ID with the format 'branch number' + 'account number', where:

  • Branch number - 3 digits
  • Account number - 7 digits
curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'psu-id: 6154033403' \
-d '{
    "applicationUserId": "{user-reference}",
    "institutionId": "deutschebank-sandbox",
    "callback": ""


Postbank requires an alphanumeric PSU ID.


The PSU-ID is the username used to sign in to the bank portal.

Handelsbanken Business UK

If PSU-CORPORATE-ID is left blank, the bank will use the default value UNKNOWN that is identified as an Individual customer and if they aren't (because they only have access to Corporate accounts), then the signing will return an error.


The PSU-IP-ADDRESS is another personal identifier required by certain banks.
You will need to capture the ip address of a PSU (payment service user) that is following this format:

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'psu-ip-address:' \
-d '{
    "applicationUserId": "{user-reference}",
    "institutionId": "solaris-sandbox",
    "callback": ""