Financial Data Features

Learn more about the financial data features that each institution provides.

Feature List

The following financial data features are used to create or use an AIS consent-token:

Feature Description Endpoint
ACCOUNT Get account information for a single account. Account information includes the account identifications for the account (sort code and bank account or IBAN), the balance information for the account and the account details (bank id, type, currency and names). GET Account
ACCOUNTS Get account information for a list of accounts. Account information includes the account identifications for the account (sort code and bank account or IBAN), the balance information for the account and the account details (bank id, type, currency and names). GET Accounts
ACCOUNTS_WITHOUT_BALANCE Get account information for a list of accounts without any balance information. The balance information is not included in this feature when this is returned by the bank and must be obtained separately in the feature ACCOUNT_BALANCES. GET Accounts
ACCOUNT_BALANCES Get account balance information. This feature requires a separate authorisation in order to obtain the balance information. GET Balances
ACCOUNT_DIRECT_DEBITS Get direct debits for an account. GET Account Direct Debits
ACCOUNT_PERIODIC_PAYMENTS Get periodic payments for an account. GET Account Periodic Payments
ACCOUNT_SCHEDULED_PAYMENTS Get scheduled payments for an account. GET Account Scheduled Payments
ACCOUNT_STATEMENT Get an account statement from an account. GET Account Statement
ACCOUNT_STATEMENTS Get a list of account statements from an account. GET Account Statements
ACCOUNT_STATEMENT_FILE Download an account statement from an account. GET Account Statement File
ACCOUNT_TRANSACTIONS Get account transactions. GET Transactions
ACCOUNT_TRANSACTIONS_WITH_MERCHANT Get account transaction including the merchant details associated with the transaction if there is any. e.g. Monzo provides merchant details with each transaction. GET Transactions
ACCOUNT_WITHOUT_BALANCE Get account information for a single account without any balance information. The balance information is not included in this feature when this is returned by the bank and must be obtained separately in the feature ACCOUNT_BALANCES. GET Account
IDENTITY Get identity information from the bank. GET Identity
INITIATE_ACCOUNT_REQUEST Create a request to access a user's financial data from their bank. POST Create Account Authorisation
INITIATE_PRE_AUTHORISATION Initiate a generic pre-authorisation request POST Create Pre-authorisation