Open Banking Enrolment Guide
Currently, if you wish to connect to user-authorised bank accounts belonging to Open Banking UK institutions, you will need to enrol onto the Open Banking Directory.
To access Open Banking institutions using the Yapily API there are some requirements:
- You must apply for your company to be FCA regulated:
- Enrol in the Open Banking Directory as an AISP/PISP
- Nominate Yapily as your technical contact when enrolling with Open Banking. Yapily will handle the technical requirements to provide authorisation flows and to facilitate subsequent API calls
The directory issues credentials that institutions will use to verify your application. Once you have registered and successfully generated a software statement assertion (SSA), you can use these to configure Open Banking institutions for your Yapily application. The exact credentials required for the institution that you are interested in will be displayed in the institution configuration window. Refer to the configuration guide for details on setting up each institution.