Data endpoints

This table lists the product-specific endpoints available in the Yapily Data product.

Note that the Application, User, Institution and Consent endpoints are also available, as are the Account Authorisation endpoints.

Endpoint Description
GET /accounts Get all accounts and balances for the user associated with the supplied (account) consent token
GET /accounts/{accountId} Get account details for a user
GET /accounts/{accountId}/balances Get account balances for a user account (CBI Globe Gateway accounts only)
GET /accounts/{accountId}/beneficiaries Get account beneficiaries for a user account (N.B. this endpoint is only available for UK banks and has limited support outside the CMA9 banks)
GET /accounts/{accountId}/direct-debits Get direct debits for a user account (N.B. this endpoint is only available for UK banks and has limited support outside the CMA9 banks)
GET /accounts/{accountId}/periodic-payments Get periodic payments (standing orders) for a user account (N.B. this endpoint is only available for UK banks and has limited support outside the CMA9 banks)
GET /accounts/{accountId}/scheduled-payments Get scheduled payments for a user account (N.B. this endpoint is only available for UK banks and has limited support outside the CMA9 banks)
GET /accounts/{accountId}/statements Get list of available statements for a user account (N.B. this endpoint is only available for UK banks and has very limited support)
GET /accounts/{accountId}/statements/{statementId} Get a statement for a user account (N.B. this endpoint is only available for UK banks and has very limited support)
GET /accounts/{accountId}/statements/{statementId}/file Get a statement for a user account as a PDF file (N.B. this endpoint is only available in the UK for Lloyds, Halifax, Bank of Scotland and Bank of Ireland UK)
GET /accounts/{accountId}/transactions Get the transactions for a user account
GET /accounts/{accountId}/transactions/categorisation Trigger the process for enriching transactions with categorisation (Data Plus customers only)
GET /accounts/{accountId}/transactions/categorisation/{categorisationId} Retrieve a list of categorised transactions (Data Plus customers only)